Sunday 30 October 2011

5 Best Practices for Financial Institutions on Facebook

Banks, often held back by industry regulations, are rarely considered innovative when it comes to social media. ButFacebook is the perfect place for financial institutions to loosen their neckties, roll up their sleeves and show some personality.

How to time your Facebook posts to Reach the most Fans

Post whenever the most recent status update for your page stops showing up in your fans’ News Feeds.

If you post often, you will see an immediate spike in News Feed impressions, but it’s generally not worth the cost in lost fans. When your fans see two status updates from you in their News Feeds, they’ll likely get annoyed, and will consequently unsubscribe or un-fan. There are few exceptions to this rule.

If you post too infrequently, you’re missing out on opportunities to reach your fans. Over the course of a year, a page with 10,000 fans that posts only half as often as they could misses more than 1 million chances to get their content in front of a hyper-targeted Facebook audience. The larger your fan page, the more often you should be posting — without annoying your fans.

The kicker: Each post performs differently. Some posts last ten hours, and some posts last thirty hours.

Calculate the average post lifetime by using the method below, but remember it’s just that — an average. To get really in-depth, figure the average post lifetime for photos vs. articles, or the average lifetime when you post Thursdays at 3 p.m. vs. Saturdays at 10 a.m. However, it’s still just an average; each post is unique, so you can never exactly predict how it will perform.

How do you know when a post stops appearing in your fans’ News Feeds?

The good news is that when you track your posts’ performance, you’ll be able to see, in real-time, when that post drops out of the News Feed. If it flops five hours sooner than you expected, then immediately stick up a new post.

Each status update drops out of different fans’ News Feeds at different times, depending on how long Facebook’s algorithm EdgeRank calculates that particular fan will be interested in that particular status update. Then, the best we can do is look at how each status update performs across all your fans’ News Feeds.

You’ll actually see a slowdown in new impressions, clicks, likes and comments as a post starts dropping out of News Feeds. The following graphs show cumulative numbers, so when the graph flattens, the post has dropped out of News Feeds.

Each of these metrics has pros and cons.

1. Impressions per-post: Impressions per-post is a single aggregate count of how many times a particular status update has been viewed. Facebook updates this number as more and more people view the post; however, it often won’t update for several hours at a time when Facebook’s computers are calculating for millions of posts across millions of fan pages. On the bright side, when it works, it’s great — you can literally watch as your post gets viewed by fans.

2. Comments per-post: All the comments on any status update are time-stamped, so you can measure on a minute-by-minute basis exactly when a fan saw the status update. Unfortunately, most status updates receive so few comments that there aren’t enough data points to determine whether your fans are choosing not to comment or simply aren’t seeing the post in their News Feeds.

3. Likes per-post: In general, this is the most accurate way to see when your status update starts dropping out of News Feeds. Facebook updates the post’s like count in near real time, so it’s more reliable than the post impression count. And because posts tend to get more likes than comments, the data presents an accurate picture of how long a post stayed in News Feeds. On the other hand, likes aren’t time-stamped, so you have to check the like count regularly to see when new likes are added.

So how do I actually measure?

Post a status update. Every hour, record the number of impressions, likes and comments. Figure out when the rate of new impressions or likes slows down.

Try recording all the raw data in Excel, then graph the data just like you see above. Visually estimate the post lifetime based on when the graph flattens out.

After you calculate the post lifetime for 10-20 posts, you’ll start to generate an average post lifetime unique to your fan page.

What’s the average post lifetime?

I don’t know.

However, I surveyed 20 posts across five fan pages that had 2 million+ fans, and calculated an average post lifetime of 22 hours, 51 minutes. Theoretically, this implies most fan pages shouldn’t post more than once a day.

I strongly recommend keeping track of your posts in real-time because post lifetimes vary widely, even across the same fan page. In my sample of twenty posts, the shortest post lasted only 10 hours, while the longest post lasted a full 50 hours!

If you weren’t tracking those posts, you would have been invisible in the News Feed for 13 hours when the post flopped at the 10-hour mark. Similarly, you could have delayed your next post when the high-performing post showed no sign of slowing down.

Lastly, feel free to experiment and break the rules.

You won’t know if your fans respond better to a different posting strategy until you try it. Use these analytics to augment your intelligence, not replace it.

Happy posting!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Social Media Works

Την επίδραση που έχουν πια τα Social Media στις αγοραστικές αποφάσεις

των καταναλωτών, επιβεβαίωσε έρευνα της IBM με χρήστες από τη Γαλλία, τη Γερμανία,

την Ιταλία και τη Μεγάλη Βρετανία. Από τους 4.000 που συμμετείχαν, περισσότεροι

από τους μισούς τόνισαν ότι, όποτε θέλουν να κάνουν κάποια αγορά, σπεύδουν για...

βοήθεια και συμβουλές στα sites κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Το 35% εξ αυτών δήλωσε ότι

αξιοποιεί δίκτυα, όπως το Facebook, για να διαβάζει κριτικές ή να αξιολογεί προϊόντα,

ενώ το 57% παραδέχτηκε ότι οι δωρεάν δοκιμές και τα εκπτωτικά κουπόνια είναι ένας

από τους βασικούς λόγους που κάνουν Like στη σελίδα ενός brand. Πάντως, το 40%

των ερωτηθέντων που δήλωσαν ότι συμβουλεύονται τα Social Media, διευκρίνισε ότι εν

τέλει συνηθίζουν να αγοράζουν offline.

Banks seek to engage online customers with social media

Banks increasingly are using social channels to engage with customers and build uptake for their online-banking services. JPMorgan Chase is running a social sweepstakes promotion for users who "like" the Facebook page of its Chase Freedom card, and American Express, Capital One and Bank of America also have sought to capitalize on their customers' love of social networking. "Our reach is much broader because of sharing. They read Facebook like it's a nicotine addiction," Chase executive Matt Kane says

Monday 24 October 2011

What Google+ Brand Pages Look Like!

Just as Facebook was announcing its tweaks, though, Google was on track to add brand pages to Google Plus. Though it looks like that will happen any day now, the integration hasn’t been announced yet. Meanwhile, a handful of brands, including Ford, are already enjoying the possibilities.

There are several barriers to designing brand pages for Plus. For one thing, it’s hard to stand out the way Plus looks now. The somewhat rigid format has a leveling effect. But Colin Murphy, director of social for Skinny, one of the agencies that accepted our challenge, says there are potential advantages to Plus, too. “A primary gripe among Facebook and Twitter users is that brands bombard them with messages they don’t want or care to see,” said Murphy. “In its current form, Plus doesn’t solve that problem, but Plus Brand Pages might, if they implement Public Circles.”

Skinny outlined how this might work with a hypothetical example for Mini, the auto brand. In this case, a Mini Countryman fan could join the Countryman circle and see just Countryman updates in her feed. “This level of selectivity isn’t possible on Facebook or even Twitter, unless of course you are a fan or follow the specific product you’re interested in — but there’s a major drawback to that method because the user has to seek out content streams,” Murphy says. “With Google+ it’s all in one place, and the all the admin has to do is feed pertinent content to the appropriate circles.”

In addition to Skinny, Fantasy Interactive created some fictional Coca-Cola and Starbucks brand pages. Are these on the mark? We’ll know soon enough, but in the meantime, let us know what you think of these agencies’ vision of how Google+ can accommodate brands.

Thursday 20 October 2011

60 Social Media Marketing Tips for the Holiday Season

It’s mid-October, which means Christmas music will start playing in stores any day now.

This also means it’s time to start thinking of ways to incorporate the holiday season into your social media campaigns. Holidays are about connecting with people, sharing traditions, and building memories. It’s only natural that social media has become an integral part of the holiday season, even enhancing this time of year in some ways.

I’ve put together 60 ways to include the October through December holidays in your social media strategy.

All Season

1. Start early. Use your social profiles to build buzz leading up to holidays rather than just focusing on holidays as they are happening.

2. Design a seasonal branded image to match across all social networks and the company site.

Yogurt Mountain Halloween Yogurt Mountain Holidays

Yogurt Mountain changes its Facebook profile picture regularly to reflect the current season.

3. Create a seasonal Facebook photostrip or Twitter background to match the seasonal profile picture.

4. Many people are eager to talk about their holiday customs, so these topics should be worked into your content for the next few months. Ask fans about their favorite Halloween candy, their favorite Thanksgiving side dish, the best gift they got as a kid, etc.

5. Use social media with traditional marketing. If your company has printed advertising materials (brochures, fliers, newspaper ads, etc.), include your social media profile addresses everywhere your customers see your name (this goes for any time of year!).

6. Build a microsite. This site can house a hyper-focused campaign or act as a hub for tying together all of your social and overall marketing efforts during the holidays into one place.

7. Re-use your holiday microsite year after year.

8. Be sure to still post useful content on your social profiles this time of year and don’t just push your products or services. People are stressed and pressed for time during the holidays, making this a good time to be as helpful as possible with posts.

9. Offer advice on various holiday challenges, like gift-giving, shopping on a budget, entertaining, and traveling. Spread this content across various touch points, such as daily holiday tips on Twitter (using a branded hashtag), stream these tweets into a dedicated Facebook tab, and expand on these tips by creating tutorial videos for YouTube.

YouTube and Lowe’s teamed up to build a Holiday Solutions Center channel

10. Don’t know what advice to give? Poll fans about what their biggest challenges are during the holidays, then determine the areas where your company would be the most helpful.

11. Highlight your company culture. Share pictures of your company holiday parties, your staff dressing up for Halloween, or your participation in charitable events.

12. Make your content have longevity and optimize keywords with next year in mind. Use these keywords throughout your holiday social content.

13. It’s cliché, but people like to talk about the weather. Pay attention to the weather where your customers are located. For example, don’t post about how cold it is during December if you have a lot of fans in Florida (unless you see there actually is a cold front there).

14. Don’t forget to measure. Measure your baseline before starting your holiday campaigns, then measure weekly results thereafter to see the value of your holiday pushes.

15. As you measure, adjust your strategy. Try different things on your different social networks. This allows you to quickly determine what type of content your fans are responding to and switch gears accordingly rather than doing the same thing across all social networks and waiting until the end of the campaign to gauge content popularity.


Because Halloween is a chance for people to be creative, whether they’re thinking of a costume or a pumpkin-carving idea, this is a great opportunity to collect user-generated content you can house on your social profiles or even feature on your site.

16. Pictures of babies in costumes. ‘Nuff said.


Graco baby products hosted a simple but popular Halloween photo contest on Flickr.

17. Pets in costumes (notice a theme? anything cute in a costume = win).


PetSmart held a pet Halloween photo contest within a tab on its Facebook page, with the winner appearing in a TV commercial.

18. Keeping up with the cute theme, ask followers what their best Halloween costume was as a child, and ask them to share a photo.

19. Have fans carve your company logo into pumpkins and upload photos to your Facebook page. Feature the best pumpkins in a permanent photo album on your page.

burton snowboards pumpkins

Burton Snowboard’s Facebook Pumpkin Shreddin Photo Album

20. Think your brand has nothing to do with Halloween? Make a funny video tutorial on how to turn one of your products into a Halloween costume. The more over-the-top, the better.

21. Create a contest for fans to make costumes using a household material or object or, better yet, one of your company’s products if possible.

22. Ask Twitter followers to tweet photos of their kids’ Halloween candy hauls. Reward the largest pile of candy with a prize (maybe a year’s supply of toothpaste?).

23. It’s simple, but this is a social twist on a common game. Fill a jar with candy, take a picture, tweet it, and ask fans to guess how many pieces of candy are in the jar. Send the jar of candy to whoever gets closest to the correct number.

24. Host a Twitter contest in which the first fan to retweet any time your brand posts a tweet containing “trick” or “tweet” can win a prize.

25. Set up a program where fans can send you their Halloween candy and your company sends it to overseas troops.


The Halloween Candy Buy-Back program on Facebook gives back to the troops but also cleverly collects participants’ email addresses.


You don’t need to be Butterball to talk turkey. This day of food, football, and family lends itself to personalized dialogue with your fans, as well as being the perfect time to showcase how your company gives back to the community.

26. Give back to the community and give your brand a reputation boost by documenting your company-wide volunteer efforts on your social profiles.

27. Small businesses can partner with a local food bank and donate a certain amount of food per number of Facebook fans and/or Twitter followers acquired during a set period of time. For example, donate one can of food per new fan the week leading up to Thanksgiving.


28. Larger businesses can match fan donations to a selected charity. Keep a running tally of the total donations within a Facebook tab or on a microsite.

29. Upload a video to YouTube about a charity your company supports. Offer to donate a dollar amount to the charity per video views the video gets within a short amount of time.

30. Sponsor a tweet-a-thon. EpicThanks’ Tweetsgiving 2010is a great example of the power Twitter has to raise charitable money quickly: it raised $11,000 in 48 hours last year.

31. Ask fans to tweet photos of their Thanksgiving dinner spread and retweet some of the best photos.

32. Thanksgiving is the busiest travel time of the year. Leading up to the week of Thanksgiving, offer tips for staying stress-free while traveling. The day before Thanksgiving is a perfect time to target these fans with light-hearted content like silly videos and trivia questions.

33. Partner with a food blogger and sponsor a Twitter party. Perdue partnered with Resourceful Mommy to host a Twitter Party last Thanksgiving. The food blogger can invite his or her followers to participate, and they will use a designated, branded hashtag to host a Twitter chat about preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Select a winner out of the participants to receive a prize.

34. Ask fans to tweet pictures of their kitchen disasters on Thanksgiving, like a burned turkey, broken dishes, or an inedible Jell-O mold. Retweet the best photo and send the winner a cooking-related prize.

35. Don’t forget football. Incorporate hashtags for this year’s Thanksgiving Day football games into your tweets or ask your followers which games they’re watching and who they’re cheering for.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday

Leverage the fact that people love a great deal and exclusive discounts to grow your follower base.

36. Online reviews are a huge part of online shoppers’ buying process. Get more customer reviews by encouraging new and old customers to post reviews.

37. On that note, if your business is not yet listed on relevant customer review sites, take the time to set up a listing. Think of these as additional branding assets and add photos, links, products, and anything else to give users a quick overview of your business.

38. For online purchases, suggest customers write a review by featuring a review site link in their confirmation page or in email receipts.

39. For in-store purchases, suggest customer reviews in a sign by the register or included on printed materials.

40. Add a Facebook review tab to your page and encourage fans to add reviews.

Review tabs are a default tab option for Local Business Facebook pages, like this one from Soho Sushi.

41. Bring Facebook into your store. The Diesel Cam was put near dressing rooms so shoppers could upload photos to their Facebook profile as they tried on Diesel clothing, but this could be used in any retail location for people to show off their Black Friday purchases.

42. Can’t afford a fancy in-store kiosk like Diesel? Put a sign at your register telling fans to upload their Black Friday haul purchases or a picture of their receipt to your Facebook page. Offer a prize to the fan who saved the most money.

43. Create an in-store Black Friday event exclusive to Foursquare users, where attendees can check-in to Foursquare for an additional discount and they’ll potentially unlock a swarm badge.

Toys-R-Us gave a limited number of Black Friday shoppers a discount for checking in.

44. Broadcast time-sensitive deals on Twitter and Facebook. This not only creates a sense of urgency, but fans will pay more attention to your social profiles if they are expecting spontaneous announcements of a sale that is lasting for the next hour only and be likely to share this news with their friends.

45. Give early access to sale prices using a fan-gated Facebook tab or asking fans to tweet a branded message to receive a direct message containing a discount code. Last year, Sears awarded 25 Facebook fans early access to their Black Friday deals.

Lowes Black Friday Sneak Peek gave exclusive access to Facebook fans.

46. Hide discount codes within YouTube videos. New holiday-themed video content can be used for this, but even old YouTube videos can be repurposed to include an annotation with a discount code. Users will want to share videos with their friends once they find the discount code.

47. Encourage sharing. Give a reward for sharing your Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals. For example, offer an additional discount if a customer tweets about the discount using a designated hashtag.

48. Leading up to Black Friday, promote your social media efforts in-store. For example, put “Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for exclusive holiday offers” cards in each shopping bag to gain new followers and reward loyal customers who may not be aware of your social media presence.

49. Use Facebook ads as an inexpensive way to target users by interests or brands they like.

50. Take Facebook ads even further by targeting a specific area to drive people into your physical store locations.


51. 12 days of Christmas = 12 days of discounts. Offer a different discount or sale item every day to build anticipation and reward fans for consistently visiting your social profiles.

52. Capitalizing on the “12 days” theme, beauty retailer Sephora had a “Sephora Claus” Twitter campaign, where they awarded one of its products daily to a fan for tweeting “Dear @sephora, All I want for the holidays this year is _________.” They also created a microsite just for this campaign, where fans were given an additional chance to enter.

53. Similar to the Sephora contest, Southwest’s “12 Days of Luv” Twitter campaign asked followers to tweet a different Southwest-themed photo every day and gave away a $1,000 gift card for the best photo each day.


Southwest wrapped up their Twitter photo contest by blogging about all of the winning pictures.

54. Create a “Christmas Tree Makeover” contest. Have fans share photos of their bare or tiny Christmas tree, and award the worst tree with a gift card.

55. Set up an in-store Christmas photo op. Offer fans a discount if they tweet their photo or share it on Facebook.

56. Post daily gift ideas. These don’t necessarily have to be your product, but they can be anything related to your brand.

57. Take it a step further and post gift ideas for your target audience. A tire company could share gift ideas for car enthusiasts, a tech company could share gift ideas for geeks, and a gourmet food store could post gift ideas for home cooks.

58. Create a tab for an ugly Christmas sweater photo contest on your Facebook page where fans can upload their photos and vote for the ugliest entry. Reward the winner with a gift card to a classy clothing store.

59. Ask fans to share photos of what it looks like outside their window on Christmas morningwhere they live. This should produce a wide range of photos, like snowy, sunny, rainy, desert, mountains, beach, etc., that can be put in an album celebrating how your fans live around the country/world.

60. On Christmas Day, offer to retweet the first 10 followers who tweet a picture of their favorite gift.