Thursday 20 October 2011

How to triple your site traffic: More Facebook Likes

Facebook likes can send more traffic to your website, both directly and from search engines.

While there ‘s a method to the madness, the manner in whichFacebook likes enable marketers to improve traffic is based on one simple aspect — the number you receive boosts your rankings.

When a user runs across your content and clicks on the handy little button beside it, that action is published on their profile page.

That action also results in the creation of an inbound link to your website.

Inbound links play a key role in determining search engine rankings and increasing them is an important part of search engine optimization.

So, the more likes you obtain through Facebook, the more chances you have of boosting your search traffic.

Plug It In

If you have yet to implement the Facebook like button on your website or blog, now is as good a time as ever. Luckily, incorporating it is a relatively simple and straightforward and process.

All it takes is a simple visit over to official page for the like button on the domain to obtain all the tools necessary to add it to your site.

Adding it is primarily a matter of dropping a few lines of code into the raw HTML of your page.

With the like functionality added to your site, there is really only thing left to do: make your stuff likeable.

No one is going to endorse an article if they do not approve of it or deem it worthy of sharing with others. The same goes for your content. If it doesn’t compel them to take the simple action of pressing a button, your content is not doing its job.

You can make your content more likable by doing things such as placing videos on your site, capitalizing on a hot topic, or simply publishing an interesting blog post. It’s all about providing something of value, something that will entice visitors to give their stamp of approval.

What’s Not to Like?

According to Facebook, the typical media site has gained a threefold increase in referral traffic just by integrating with the network through the Open Graph platform.

As one of the most important elements of the Open Graph, it is fair to assume that the like button contributed a great deal to those amazing traffic gains.

With SEO increasingly trending towards social, tallying likes may one day become more essential than building links.

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